Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Addition

I just got off work. Not real work, but working at my parents restaurant. We took my mom to Toronto last week for an appointment and decided to come back on Wednesday afternoon. BUT at 3:30am on Wednesday morning... my sisters water broke!

At around 7pm Daniel Sly was born. He was a bit early (almost 6 and a half weeks) but he was already 6lbs and 3ozs! We got to see him the next day. He looks just like his big brother!

Anyway, my mom decided to stay, which meant we had to come back and work for her. Sitting in the restaurant all day waiting for people to come or the phone to ring is exhausting. I have no idea how she does it every day. And on Saturday (the day it was busy!) I must have called her at least 10 times to ask: How do I use the fax?, Where are the take-out books?, How do you make hot mustard?, Where are the take-out chopsticks?, If someone pays their bill with different methods, how do I input that?, How much does just a birdsnest cost??????. Clearly, I am not right for a job at a restaurant, although I spent most of my childhood in one.

It was an uneventful Valentines, working. Bah.

My other sister came to help too and I gave her something I picked up in Toronto... a Hello Kitty tote from MAC!! Of course I had to go Thursday morning to the MAC store and look at the collection. I couldn't help myself. I picked up two lipsticks, a bracelet and the compact mirror. I still want more! Maybe the pink nail polish, or the blush, or a lip gloss! Everything from that collection is too cute. I need to take/post pictures.

Maybe next post...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"You smell like fried food."

Holy sha-moly it's cold out there. I'm slowly regaining the feeling back in my feet. It's hard to tell because I'm so tired and my limbs already feel unattached. I tried to get to sleep at about 11 last night so that I could wake up at around 5:45 to get ready for work. I didn't get to sleep until about 2, and I snapped awake at 5.

I think I'm turning into my mother. She used to say (she still does sometimes) that she gets so worried about.. whatever that she can never sleep. I'm getting there, although it's only at night. During the day I can nap like nobody's business. But at night, I think, and think, and think... existentialism at its best, only at night. I have to work at the same time tomorrow. I hope I get a little more sleep tonight.

I got off work and decided to treat myself to Starbucks. Guess who I bumped into? Nella! But she was just on break and I had to run some errands. I went to get something done... and when I got there the girl said that she couldn't do it. I had to wait until 6 for the lady who.. did that. Damnit. Another thing I have to put off for another day. I'm being so vague because it's an anniversary present. =)

Then I went to the bank to pay a bill. As I hand my bill over to the teller, she says,

"You smell like fried food!"
"Huh? I haven't eaten yet and I've been working at Bargain Shop all morning."
"That's weird. Maybe it's (whispers) that guy."

She laughed, and I stealthly smelled the sleeve of my jacket and hair.
Nope. Not me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stuck in a Van With 11 Other People

I had work today. It was way past my personal boundary lines, so I went in the van. I have two shifts next week where I will be in the van. Little did I know that there were two teams going out of town. Did you know you can fit 12 people in a van? News to me! I also get car sick.. sometimes.. if I don't get shot gun... or if I read.. or don't look out the front.. or get distracted. Haha.. so I get car sick a lot. Without thinking I sat in the back, the very back. Wedged between two other people. Ugh. I was repeating *stare.. ahead.. don't think about being sick...*

What's the proper etiquette for sitting in a van full of strangers? Do you talk? Just stare blankly into space until you reach the destination? Sleep? Play car games? I just stared ahead (as ahead as I could.. since I had three rows of people in front of me) for an hour and mentally planned out the next month. I should have brought some paper with me.

Man... I need to find another job. Or win the lottery. The latter would be awesome.