Saturday, August 15, 2009

Long One.

I know why I do these. It gets my mind off what is pissing me off. All day today I was ranting and raving in my head about some issues bothering me. ALL DAY. So much so that I forgot to drink anything. Yeah. Losing my mind. I just figured out why I feel so weird and have such a raging headache. I'm beyond dehydrated. I just had a conversation with my mother that aggravated me even more. So this survey thing helped.

My tattoo is itchy.

Survey time.


Name - Rose
Age - 23
Sex - Female
Date of Birth - Oct. 4th 1985
Hair Color - Brown
Eye Color - Brown
Race - HUMAN

Favorite. . .

Color(s) - Fuchsia, pink, purple, cobalt blue
Food - Lasagna
Drink - Champagne
Television Show - True Blood
Movie - Girl, Interrupted
Song - The Bangles - Eternal Flame
Artist - Lady Gaga
Place to be - La la land
Stuffed animal - Eeyore
Pet - Cats
Person - *shrugs*
Game - Minesweeper
Clothing brand/style - Original

What do you want in the opposite sex?

Hair color - Black
Eye color - Multicolour
Tatoos - LOTS
Peircings - Ears
Body Type - Kickass
Do they have to be rich? - No
Do they have to be popular? - No
Personality or Looks? - Personality

This or that?

Pepsi or Coke - Coke
Vanilla or Chocolate - Vanilla
Black or White - Black
Cats or Dogs - Cats
Sink or Swim - Sink
Lake or Ocean - Neither
Night or Day - Night
Half Full or Half Empty - Half empty
Desktops or Laptops - Laptop
Playstation or Xbox - Neither
Summer or Winter - FALL!
Cold or Warm - Cold
Cowboys or Indians - Cowboys, unless it's Jacob
Lover or Fighter - Fighter
Car or Truck - Car
Cup or Glass - Glass
Fork or Spoon - Fork
Walking or Running - Walking
The Fast or The Furious - The Furious

What do you think of when I say. . .

Soup - Nazi
Wardrobe Malfunction - Boob out
Heaven - Fashion
Hell - Home
Cucumber - Cool
Salad - Crispy
Big Mac - McDonald's
Sexy - Shoes
Pirates - Arr
Significant - Other
Beautiful - In the eye of the beholder
Lion - Simba
Blues Clues - Puppy
Rainbow - Brite
Cloud - Carebears
Rapper - Tupac
Gangsta - Scarface
White and Nerdy - Weezer
Lolli pop - Weezy
Wave - Hi
Fad - Fun
Aliens - Signs
Ghost - Demi Moore
Survey - Time well wasted

Do you or have you ever had. . .

A piercing - Ears (11 times), navel, nipple (closed up), tongue (closed up)
A tattoo - Two and counting
A sibling - Two sisters and a brither
Parents that are still together - Yes
A boyfriend/girlfriend - Yes
A husband/wife - No
A child - No
A really wild party while your parents were away? - No
An alcoholic beverage - Yes, lots actually
A pet of your own - Yes, bunnies, a dog (that has been adopted by my auntie.) and cats
A house of your own - No
A car of your own - Yes
An iPod - Yes

Do you. . .

Smoke - No
Drink - Of course
Do drugs - Legal ones
Hug on the first date - Yes
Kiss on the first date - Yes
'Do it' on the first date - HAHA
Shower Daily - Yes
Brush your teeth daily - YES
Keep your room clean - Not really
Do all your homework - What homework?
Plan on going to college - NEVER AGAIN. ... Well, if I win the lottery

Do you believe in. . .

God/Heaven - Not really
Satan/Hell - Not really
Ghosts - Yes
Aliens - Not really
Witches/wizards - Harry Potter?
Magic - Yes!
Big Foot/Sasquatch/Abominable Snowmen - Sure
The past life - Sure
Global Warming - Yes
Humanism - I don't know what that is..
Scientology - No
Hinduism - No
Buddism - No
Taoism - No
Wiccaism - No
[Not that I don't believe that there are such things, just I don't follow these particular religions, or any religion for that matter.]


What's your middle name? - Don't have one
Have any Nicknames? - Ro, RoRo, RoLo, Rosie
What is your favorite name? - For boys, Tristan, for girls, Alexa
What do you wish your name was? - I'm ok with my name
What is your favorite season? - Fall
Do you drink alot of water? - Usually
Do you have a pet? - Not anymore..
Do you have a computer at your house? - Yes
Do you live in an apartment, house, trailer or other? - Definite other
Favorite place to chill? - My car
Favorite place to visit? - Ethan's
Ever have an imaginary friend? - No
If so, what was their name?
Ever eaten something really disgusting? - I don't think so
Do you work out? - Yes
Have you ever gotten arrested? - Nope
If so, for what?
Have you ever cheated on someone? - Nah
Has anyone ever cheated on you? - Yup
Have you ever kissed a stranger? - No
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? - A friendly peck
Have you ever gotten drunk? - Yup
Could you ever be a vegetarian? - NEVER
Can you sing? - Everyone can sing
Can you dance? - Not well
Can you draw, paint, color well? - I draw on my face pretty well
Do you have a job? - Part time one that is almost over
Do you like tape? - Sure
Do you like glue? - Sure
Can you solve a Rubik's Cube? - Sadly, I cannot
How did you like this survey? - Meh

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